Voice for the Boundary Waters

Voice for the Boundary Waters is an educational brand campaign to protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area against the threat of sulfide-ore copper mining. The friendly brand campaign, geared towards a younger audience, focuses on the perspective of animals and uses bold iconography and illustration to reveal the threats to the Boundary Waters while emphasizing the necessity of protecting this essential wilderness. The brand's goal is to inspire a younger generation of activists and naturalists to be the voice for the Boundary Waters.

Originally conceived as my senior capstone project, it found more life when Save the Boundary Waters reached out about using the project’s visuals for their own social media purposes.

School/ Personal Project
Spring 2020
Most Recent Update: February 2021


A natural color palette and simple illustrations are used for storytelling. Whether it’s a winter night with wolves howling at the moon or a bright summer day with canoers; the brand is versatile and flexible as the illustrations can be moved around and fit together like puzzle pieces to create any scene.


In contrast to the natural color palette is a bright saturated orange color to represent copper-sulfide mining pollution and acid mine drainage. Additionally, there are pollution icons that show copper deposit piles, factories, and fallen trees that can be colored in pollution orange to look unnatural and invasive in each scene.


Hear My Voice is the educational poster campaign of Voice for the Boundary Waters. The posters highlight how sulfide-ore copper mining affects specific animal perspectives. In every poster, the encroaching mining threat visually juxtaposes the animals in their habitat and drowns out their voices. The posters are visual tools to educate audiences and inspire action.

Four of the five posters display a singular animal in an impacted environment. Those prominent voices are the loon, moose, bear, and wolf. The final poster represents the culmination of the plights of the various animals caused by mining.

Collaboration with Save the Boundary Waters

After I completed the Voice for the Boundary Waters project, Save the Boundary Waters contacted me about using the project for their new social media campaign. Together, we created “100 Days to Save the Boundary Waters,” a multi-week campaign that educated audiences about different weekly topics and encouraged action by signing petitions and sharing the message of this important topic.


Posters for Parks